About Dave
Braille Series
Touch Paintings
Lake Waikaremoana/Landscapes
Portraits and Figures
Abstract art projects
Encaustic Paintings
Drawings for CD cover
Artist History
"Toluylene red flow", 60cm x 60cm, acrylic, synthetic polymer on canvas
"Bluesafix" 60cm x 40cm, powdered pigment, oil paint on canvas.
'Celestial Workshop' mixed media on canvas. 500mmx600mm
"Cosmic". 300x1000mm, vinyl and pigment.
Look to the Light. Acrylic and vinyl on canvas, 600mmx750mm
Numberphile. Acrylic on canvas, 600mmx750mm.
Numislexia. Acrylic on canvas, 600mmx450mm.
Numislexia detail
"A Slice of Pi". Pi to 1765 decimal places. Synthetic polymer on canvas, 800 mm diam.
"Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio". God's fingerprint it is said.
"We rent the Earth", synthetic polymer/glue on canvas.